7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

anime is growing and growing enough to target not only kids but also adults , who said anime is for kids is uneducated or blind or didn’t even see what is behind anime world , there is alot of what you can learn and earn from anime .

however , there are also anime genres that can open up your eyes and give you a meaningful things about life .

below we will show you some of the great lessons that anime can offer to us :

7. The fact that i dont have a friend is something that truly hurts 

7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life
7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

anime naruto has the most wisest and meaningful facts and quotes about real life , the fact is that you don’t have a friend or in other terms you are lonely , the most heart-breaking is loneliness .

That said , you should chose true friends and well picked friends , bad friends will lead only to other problems , well chosen friends can change your life to better , so stick with your good friends and leave the bad ones

6. Humans are born to live , not to be prevented from living

7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life
7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

naruto sure has alot of well written quotes , but its kinda strange to come from madara isn’t it , well its true theres also other vilains who said meaningful quotes about reality and life .

That said this quote means that you should let others live the way they want don’t enforce others to do what you want , let the others live and enjoy


5. Everyone have something precious , something they never want to lose

7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life
7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

Everyone of us have something that truly matters to them , our family , our friends , our closest people in our heart that we should not lose them no matter what .

Its true that we all have difficulties with our beloved ones but thats how life it is , there is little who makes our lives better just by seeing them daily , in the end we have all one destiny

4. We are not born from stone and changes will appear in some day 

7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life
7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

strange and weird again from the famous vilain of konoha , its true that the naruto’s author is really creative for his quotes picks and have such great fictional philosophy, that said , there will be changes on each one of us as we grow and its true we always change at daily basis thats how life is going

3. Fear can be your best friend or can be your worst enemy

7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life
7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

from suzuya tokyo ghoul the author is really good , he picks great quotes that boost up your feelings in terms of situations and in terms of thinking .

That said , its true as in reality your fears may lead you to danger sometimes , or can save you from harmful things that may happen to you , if you could fully control your fears just as the anime powers , you will truly handle everything with the right way


2. We have to hold the will of those who sacrificed themselves in order for us to live

7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life
7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

From akame , meaningful quote for those who sacrifices for their beloved ones in order for them to achievee something .

In reality theres our family that comes first they sacrifice for whatever for their children’s sake , as long as someone sacrifices themselves for you eventually you should respect their sacrifices and do the thing that they wanted you to do or their sacrifices will go to waste

1. if someone tells you to d*e (do something you don’t like) , will you eventually obey them ?

7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life
7 Anime Lessons That You Can Apply In Your Life

annie from attack on titan quoted this , this is by far the best thing that you should learn as of my opinion , if someone tells you to do something that you actually don’t want to do, will you obey them , will you sacrifice yourself ?

Of course not ,  so why not take responsibilites and take your decisions by yourself , think wisely and decide what to do.

Don’t let others force you to do something that you don’t wanna do but don’t take decisions that eventually will make you suffer even more , consult others , consult your brain for more awarness and considerations , that what will lead you to the right path


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