

8 Things You Should Know About Marco The Phoenix

1-Marco the Phoenix is the former 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. He was Whitebeard’s closest confidante and his right-hand man. 2-Initially in the anime, Marco was given a generic crew member look of a black haired man with…

Jinbe’s Role in the Straw Hat Crew

Jinbe’s role is to keep the Thousand Sunny and whoever is on it safe while everyone who has fights does those fights. I see a lot of people complaining that Jimbe wouldn’t be a good Strawhat because he’ll upset the…

Jinbe’s current strength!

Even for a fishman, Jinbe possesses tremendous strength and a massive tolerance for pain. He is infact the most powerful fishman seen thus far. Jinbe is an exceptionally powerful master of Fishman Karate. His skill in Fishman Karate has become so…

One Piece is planning a Special Double Episode!

According to the first anticipations of the magazines dedicated to Japanese television, we learn that there will be a double episode for the animated series of One Piece. The double episode should air on January 6, 2019. It should transpose…

TOP 20 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in One Piece

#20-What’s the debt that Kaido owe to Big Mom? Kaido and Big Mom have been affiliated with each other in the past, as Kaido seems to owe her a huge debt, that Linlin said lasts for a lifetime. #19-What’s the…

Top 10 Strongest Marines In One Piece Series

#10 – Current Vice Admiral Gion Gion, better known by her alias Momousagi, is a Marine vice admiral. During the timeskip, Gion was considered as a candidate to become one of the new admirals. However, she did not make the…

The Distance between Mihawk and Whitebeard

I think I finally understand what Mihawk said about Whitebeard, something about measuring the “distance” between them. I think Mihawk’s isolation and absolute power make him almost clueless about his own strength. If you really think about it, he sort…

The Mysterious Prisoner In Kaido’s Jail

Much has been speculated about the identity of the mysterious prisoner in Wano. And the egregious theorist inside me naturally did his own humble research so here’s my theory: Let me start by enumerating some of the traits that this…

One Piece 927 Spoiler「ワンピース ネタバレ」 第927 – Raw – Summary

Straw Hats Trivia

One Piece 927 Spoiler「ワンピース ネタバレ」 第927 料理を粗末にした狂死郎の子分たちがサンジとフランキーにボコられる ワノ国にはトップアイドルの花魁・小紫がいる 部下ボコられたの知った狂死郎はオロチの宴に呼ばれてるのでクイーンに刺客を送らせる オロチは小紫を今日こそ落とそうとする As usual, there will be more updates regarding the chapter summary. So don’t be disappointed if the first version seem short. Cover:Garp is fighting with a bear over salmon. Kyoshiro’s…