

Who Is The Mysterious Prisoner In Kaido’s Jail?

Who Is The Mysterious Prisoner In Kaido’s Jail?

In the Udon region, people are put hard to work making weapons in Kaido’s factories. In the dungeons of these factories, one of the Beasts Pirates delivers a poisonous fish to a certain cell. Their orders are to give a…

The Ultimate Goal of Shanks and the Roger Pirates

The Ultimate Goal of Shanks and the Roger Pirates

I think Shank’s goal is to maintain balance in the world either indefinitely or until Roger’s successor challenges the world to a fight. I’ve been pondering this for awhile. If the Roger Pirates reached Raftel, learned the history, found the…

8 Things You Should Know About Kuzan

The design for Kuzan’s face is based on the late actor Yusaku Matsuda. The character that the actor played in the TV series and movie “Detective Story” (Tantei Monogatari) even had a similar hairstyle, clothing and wore the same sleep…

Kaido’s Monstrously Powerful Weapon

Kaido’s Monstrously Powerful Weapon

Kaido wields a giant metal kanabō covered in spikes as his weapon of choice. Using it in conjunction with his immense physical strength, he was able to knock Luffy unconscious with a single blow, breaking past the immense defensive power…

Luffy’s Awakened Form – Fanart

Right now, there are only 2 Paramecia Devil Fruit Users whose powers have been “Awakened.” Donquixote Doflamingo’s mastery of his Devil Fruit is so advanced that he was able to awaken his powers, being able to even turn his surroundings…

Nico Robin in the Latest Chapter

Nico Robin in the Latest Chapter

Robin’s face in the latest chapter made me happy for a weird reason. Oda makes his female characters mostly very attractive — usually when they aren’t, it is itself a punchline or they are not very important characters (like Boa’s Gorgon…

‘Pacific Rim’ Anime Series Announced by Netflix

'Pacific Rim' Anime Series Announced by Netflix

The Pacific Rim franchise is about to live on in a pretty surprising way. Netflix recently announced a whole new slew of programming at their Asian showcase event — including a Pacific Rim anime series. The series, which will come…

Will there be another Timeskip?

Will there be another Timeskip?

The way the story is moving right now we are already able to chain alot of the events that will follow together: heads to Wano, Kaido, the Shogun, Big Mom, Shanks and finally a showdown with Blackbeard at Raftel or…

Luffy’s Next Level of Armament Haki

Luffy’s Next Level of Armament Haki

In Whole Cake Island we met Katakuri and through him we learnt that haki has levels to it and the more you work with it and push it the better you get at it. Katakuri could see 5 seconds into…