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10 Anime Series That Constantly Break The Fourth Wall

10 Anime Series That Constantly Break The Fourth Wall - Best Anime Series Recommendation |List of Top Anime - Bleach,Etotama,FLCL | Crunchyroll & Netflix

The fourth wall – it is what separates characters from reality. To an anime character, their reality should be the world that is created. However, it can often be fun when they become a bit self aware that they are, in fact, an anime character. Whether it is talking shit about what is going on around them or even how they are animated or written, fourth wall breaking can be fun if used sparingly. However, if you are looking for particularly meta anime series, there are quite a few.


Likely the most famous fourth wall breaker, or at least the series most well know for it, Gintama knows how to do it without taking away from the show. As a primarily comedy-oriented series, being meta works really well in Gintama. They do a lot of parodies so having a character jump through the TV and murder the author for making a gorilla that is more well-liked doesn’t seem out of place.


charolette from bleach

Super surprising, right? If you were more of a manga reader, you never got any fourth wall breaking. However, Bleach loves to do it in the anime, especially during the fillers. While many characters have done it, Gin in particular is the most guilty for it. He is the shows version of Deadpool when it comes to fourth wall breaking.


flcl anime

Because of the sheer insanity and the rapid fire pace it
moves at, FLCL is hard to understand. It’s alright, though. The characters don’t
understand it either. They say so themselves to the audience at several points.


Similar to Gintama, Osomatsu loves to break the fourth wall. Furthermore, as a parody comedy, it works quite well. However, even Gintama didn’t start off its second season with a whole episode about how successful their first season was.

Ghost Stories

ghost stories anime

If you watch the legendary comedy dub of Ghost Stories, it
rips the fourth wall to shreds. Often the characters make references to how
dumb the stuff they are doing is or how badly they are animated at that particular
moment. The subbed version is a serious kids story, but that meta dub is so
much better.

Okami-San and Her Seven Companions

A lot of anime narrators will break the fourth wall, and
that is very true in this series. However, as the characters can actually hear
the narrator, you often find them getting offended at what they say. It makes
for some pretty great points of comedy with little effort.

Good Luck Girl

One of the longer running jokes in this series is the main character constantly proclaiming she is the main character, and thus embracing her main character powers!


etotama anime

Etotama is the finest harem show you have probably never
watched. It is a superb comedy that is widely carried by Nyaa who uses her
cuteness to regularly avoid the fourth wall, particularly when it comes to
censoring all the jiggly bits from the rest of the zodiac girls.


senyuu anime

This series parodies shounen and fantasy shows, so it likes to play with those tropes by smashing them. They also regularly break the fourth wall in order to do this such as being shocked when someone actually attacks during their monologue.


Shirobako anime

It’s an anime about making anime as shown through anime characters. It doesn’t get any more meta than that, guys.

Do you have any more good fourth wall breaking anime series?
Let fans know in the comments section below.

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