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7 Yuri / Girl Love Series That Have Happy Endings

7 Yuri / Girl Love Series That Have Happy Endings - Best Anime Series Recommendation |List of Top Anime - Bloom Into You,Candy Boy,Citrus | Crunchyroll & Netflix

Both yuri and yaoi have a few unique problems with their genres when it comes to the depiction with same sex couples. In yaoi, they do enjoy their predatory relationships. However, yuri has a different problem – how they end the series. For some reason, there is a love affair among yuri creators in Japan by having their ending be just terrible to the fans. Either someone ends up dead, or worse, one party just grows out of being attracted to girls. How insulting to lesbian anime watchers to basically be told that your love is a dalliance of youth, right?

Well, let’s find some yuri anime series that actually end in the satisfying way that most people usually want a romance series to end – happily.

Strawberry Panic

As a series about a bunch of girls at a girls’ school, you weren’t wrong to get vibes that the characters would end up “graduating” their attraction to girls at the end. However, you actually would be wrong! In fact, if you like happy, satisfying, albeit it a bit cheesy romance endings, then this is the finest of the yuri genre.

Whispering Words

whispered words anime

Whispered Words is an interesting yuri anime wherein the characters don’t beat around the bush with their love of women. However, they do beat around the bush with how much one likes the other. The ending to the anime is, well, it’s not the squee-inducing romantic ending you might crave, but it does technically break the trope. The manga gives you a little more of what you crave, though.

Bloom Into You

bloom into you anime

Bloom Into You is a newer show and unique for addressing the old standard of growing out of same sex attraction. The anime ends well enough, but if you want your happy ending with your adult lesbians alive and in a good relationship, you need to read the manga or present your sacrifice to the gods for a second season.


anime like citrus

Seeing as Citrus is unlikely to get a second season, you will be pleased that the anime itself ends as you would hope a romance anime does. It is happy enough and conclusive enough. You would get more if you read the manga, but you don’t need to either, which is nice.

Yuru Yuri

Chitose from YuruYuri

It feels a little bit like cheating by including a comedy series, but if you don’t take your plot very seriously, you can’t have an unhappy ending. This is also a great choice if you don’t want a heavy drama romance, but rather just want to watch girls flirt with each other.

Sakura Trick

Sakura Trick anime

This is another comedy focused yuri series but it does take a more serious look at the relationship when it needs to. The anime ends nicely as a romance anime with the option to continue with the manga to see an even more conclusive ending. It’s nice to get the laughs but also get the legitimate romance.

Candy Boy

best yuri anime series

Deceptively named, but one of the more visually nice yuri anime series (which seems to be a trend with newer yuri entries), Candy Boy will not disappoint with its ending. It doesn’t go too overboard with its drama and wraps things up in a sweet way. Like a candy bar, ya’ll.

Do you have any more yuri anime recommendations where the couple ends up happy at the end? Let fans know in the comments section below.

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