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8 Lovably Round Anime Characters

8 Lovably Round Anime Characters - Best Anime Series Recommendation |List of Top Anime - Accel World,Basilisk,Dragon Ball Z | Crunchyroll & Netflix

Japan has a weird relationship with weight, perhaps because it is pretty rare to see an obese Japanese person. As such, the creation of overweight characters falls into a few select tropes that differ depending on gender. However, in most cases they are as kind and lovable as they are round.

Hashida From Steins; Gate

Hashida is your standard otaku. He enjoys computers and his digital ladies, but also has some talent as a programmer, all while being a bit chubby. Interestingly enough, he is not shown as being obsessed with food as your standard round anime character is.

Fatgum From My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia has made being round into a super power.
Fatgum, the professional hero that everyone loves, has the power to absorb
anything into his fat as a defense. He can also convert that fat into offensive
muscle, but that lowers his defense. To keep up his hero ability, he has to
pretty much be constantly snacking. It is great for local food vendors, for

Majin Buu From Dragon Ball Z

Dragonball is actually quite flush with round characters. Yajirobi, King Kai, The Ox King, Mr. Popo – but Majin Buu is one of the more memorable because he gets a whole series of growth where he goes from villain to ally due to the influence of the most unexpected heroes – Hercule.

Choji From Naruto

Choji and his family are the rare not swol AF characters in Naruto, but they have good reason. Because food is delicious…And also because their ninjutsu is tied to their weight, I guess. Choji, like the rest of his clan, converts calories to chakra, thus why he is of an advanced roundness, but it also makes him super strong.

Josuke From Basilisk

Basilisk is about two ninja clans fighting using powerful ninjutsu. However, in the middle of it is Josuke. He is the very definition of a gentle giant. His ninjutsu allows him to expand and contract like rubber. Attacks bounce right off of him, but unkind words do not. ?

Haruyuki From Accel World

haruyuki from accel world

Haruyuki is one of the rare round protagonists. Unfortunately, while he is small, round, and pretty adorable, he is tormented by his classmates for it. This eventually leads him to retreat into the world of gaming where his avatar can be anything he wants. Until the actual series starts, that is. In which his avatar becomes a pig.

Tamako From Silver Spoon

While Tamako isn’t exactly lovable, what with her obsession for factory farming and all, she at least pleasantly comfortable in her own skin. While she fluctuates in weight, she enjoys her food and her personality remains the same no matter what she looks like.

Snorlax From Pokemon

Snorlax is out there living his best life. Being sleepy and large, sleeping in inconvenient spots, being awakened by sweet music. It really is the dream, isn’t it?

Do you have any more delightfully round characters in anime?
Let fans know in the comments section below.

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