Animewhen you forced her to do it even she’s busy texting..Read Morewhen you forced her to do it even she’s busy texting..NarutoApril 6, 2016
AnimeWaiting for second season of the seven deadly sinsRead MoreWaiting for second season of the seven deadly sinsNarutoApril 3, 2016
Animewhen you’re hungry and someone waves their sandwich in your face.Read Morewhen you’re hungry and someone waves their sandwich in your face.NarutoApril 2, 2016
AnimeBleach has the best art,to me atleastRead MoreBleach has the best art,to me atleastNarutoMarch 31, 2016
AnimeA good gif ruined by this… “anime for fujoshis”Read MoreA good gif ruined by this… “anime for fujoshis”NarutoMarch 29, 2016