

Who was part of the Legendary Rocks Pirates?

The short Reverie Arc had a really big impact and gave us so much background information. Today I want to try to collect all information we have and put them together. The biggest questions are: Who are the Rocks(Rokkusu) Pirates and what…


The Roger Pirates are the only crew to ever successfully conquer the Grand Line but why won’t its former members go back to Raftel and find the One Piece? Shanks is currently the most capable person who could find the…


Characters have to be active as either Pirates, Marines, Warlords or Revolutionaries. Sengoku, Garp and Rayleigh = Retired so they are not included. 2018 was Big Mom’s year at first but after Whole Cake Island and Reverie ended and Wano…

Top 10 Characters With The Most Physical Strength

JACK THE DROUGHT Jack the Drought is an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates, one of Kaido’s three right-hand men, known as the Disasters. He possesses tremendous strength and endurance, having fought equally with the Mink Tribe, primarily its two rulers…

8 Things You Should Know About X-Drake

1-X Drake is the son of the Marine-turned-pirate Diez Barrels, and as a young adult was called Dory. He was physically abused by his father, and when the Donquixote Pirates invaded Barrels’ hideout 13 years ago, he abandoned Barrels’ crew as they…

Luffy, Katakuri, Kid & Law vs Kaido

As we know Big Mom is coming to Wano, and intends to work with Kaido for ‘old times sake’. People often suggest that Linlin and Kaido were crewmates on the Rocks pirates crew, the legendary crew which terrorized the Marines/…

TOP 10 Strongest Armament Haki Users – Ranked

Armament Haki (Busoshoku Haki) is a form of Haki that allows the user to use their spirit to create, in essence, an invisible armor around themselves. A heavy concentration (or coating) of this Haki can be used to harden parts of…

LUFFY vs AKAINU! Full length hand drawn chapter!

Akainu vs Luffy is one of the most anticipated fights of the whole series since Luffy wants revenge for Ace’s death. AndayGeorge realized his amitious project by drawing 18 pages of Monkey D. Luffy vs Akainu fight. This chapter is supposedly set…

Mihawk taught Zoro how to create and use Illusions

We’ve been through Fishman Island, Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, Zou and Whole Cake Island… and we have never seen Zoro taken to the limit like Luffy has with Doflamingo, Cracker and Katakuri. This means that we don’t know how strong he…


I looked around some other theories about the same topic I’m covering in this one but I didn’t saw in any of them a thing happened long ago that is foreshadowing this topic and I would like to bring up…