

10 Things You Should Know About Kaido

10 Things You Should Know About Kaido

1-As one of the Yonko, Kaido is among the strongest pirates alive, renowned as the “Strongest Creature in the World”. He attempted to take Whitebeard’s life, something few would dare, and subsequently clashed with Shanks. When Gekko Moriah was in his prime, Kaido…

Kaido defeats Luffy with a single blow !

Kaido defeats Luffy with a single blow !

After attacking Kaido, Luffy runs into a heavily injured Speed, who along with Tama had been brutally attacked by Kaido on their way to Tama’s home. In a fit of rage, Luffy prepares to attack Kaido. Despite still in a…

Kaido and Big Mom will be taken out during Wano arc

Kaido and Big Mom will be taken out during Wano arc

Sounds a bit crazy right? But I’ve been thinking, it actually makes perfect sense with the pacing of the story, here’s why. Quick background first. Oda has been setting up Big Mom and Kaido as being the two biggest obstacles thus…

Zoro will cut Kaido

Zoro will cut Kaido

Like many others, I believe that the Wano arc will be special for Zoro just like the Whole Cake Island arc was special for Sanji. Sanji created the Wedding Cake that was needed to calm Big Mom down. This cake…

5 Characters That Can Use All Three Types Of Haki

Haki is a mysterious power that is found in every living being in the world. However, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it. In simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense spiritual energy (Kenbunshoku Haki/Observation Haki),…

That’s Why Luffy is not Yonko Level yet!

That’s Why Luffy is not Yonko Level yet!

Kaido has just confirmed that Luffy is still far from the Yonko Level As we all know, following the events of the Whole Cake Island Arc, Luffy’s achievements were compiled, inflating his reputation greatly. He went to Big Mom’s territory,…