



Many fans believe Roger left a message behind on Raftel for the one who finds the One Piece. This is a little speculation on how he could have done it, in a different way. “Not you, Teach… You are not…

Who’s This Mystery Man?

Who’s This Mystery Man?

Kinemon has proclaimed that 5 people have comeback in time. Momonosuke, Kin’emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Kiku make 5. Who is the mysterious figure highlighted in green? This guy was with them right before the time travelling but after arriving 20…

Zoro and Killer teaming up in Wano

Zoro and Killer teaming up in Wano

I feel like a lot of people sleep on Killer because he hasn’t shown any feats yet. But, I’m predicting that he and Zoro are gonna have a reluctant team-up this arc because in a way, they are so similar…

A New Character is Actually an Old Character

A New Character is Actually an Old Character

For me, Kozuki Hiyori was the biggest surprise of chapter 920. Not only because I didn’t expect Momo to have any siblings or other descendants of the Kozuki clan to still exist, but also because it greatly increased the chances…

Monkey D. Garp’s Haki Power

Monkey D. Garp’s Haki Power

Monkey D. Garp is a “hero” of the Marines, and as such is known for cornering and fighting Gol D. Roger many times. Roger also stated that he and Garp had almost killed each other on numerous occasions. As a…

All 9 Haki Abilities

All 9 Haki Abilities

Conqueror’s Haki / Haoshoku Haki Domination: Overcome the willpower of others rendering them unconscious. Domestication: Tame wild, ferocious beasts into pacification. Destruction: Destruction of surroundings occur during constant exertion of Conqueror’s Haki waves. Observation Haki / Kenbunshoku Haki Perception: Able to sense others…

Boku No Hero Academia Season 4 Announced

Boku No Hero Academia Season 4 Announced

The 25th and final episode of the third My Hero Academia television anime series ended on Saturday with the words “To be Continued 4th Season.” Original manga creator Kōhei Horikoshi celebrates the fourth season announcement. The third season premiered on…