



I believe that Conqueror’s Haki users can produce fire and electricity, and Oda has been dropping plenty of hints to back this up. Let’s check them out chronologically: Fishman Island: As the first post timeskip arc its primary goal was…

Chopper’s Devil Fruit Powers

Chopper’s Devil Fruit Powers

Chopper has eaten a Zoan-class Devil Fruit  known as the Hito Hito no Mi, which allows him the ability to transform into a human and human-reindeer hybrid at will. In addition to his three forms granted by his Devil Fruit, Chopper has also invented a…

The Crime-Drama ‘Banana Fish’ Anime Debuts this July

The Crime-Drama ‘Banana Fish’ Anime Debuts this July

Banana Fish is one of the forgotten manga hits from the ’80s. Despite selling over 11 million copies, it never received an anime adaptation – until now. The Banana Fish Anime has just released it’s first trailer and the anime fandom has exploded with excitement…

Awakenings – Devil Fruits and How They Work

Awakenings – Devil Fruits and How They Work

First off, I believe it’s important to understand what the awakening does. I don’t think it’s by coincidence that the words “Devil” and “Awakening” both are used to describe this power. The fact that devil fruits are actually called devil fruits is…

Females in the Whitebeard Pirates

Females in the Whitebeard Pirates

D: Odacchi! Question!! You know how there aren’t any females in the Whitebeard Pirates? It bothers me!        P.N. Apple O: Hrmmm. So back when they made their first appearance (volume 25), there were female nurses on board. These…

Straw Hat Grand Fleet Captains as Kids

Straw Hat Grand Fleet Captains as Kids

The Straw Hat Grand Fleet is a fleet formed by seven organizations who vowed to serve under Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates. In SBS Volume 82, Oda drew the Grand Fleet representatives as children. D: Oda-sensei, please draw the…

Top 10 Best Mentors In One Piece

Top 10 Best Mentors In One Piece

#10 – FISHER TIGER Fisher Tiger was the founder and original captain of the Sun Pirates. He was very idealistic, making the principles of liberation and freedom the basics of the Sun Pirates. Jinbe enlisted in the Neptune Army until…