Should We Let Kids Watch Anime?


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  1. It really depends on both the maturity of the kid in question and what type of anime is being considered. There are lots of anime I would not hesitate to show to younger children, as well as some anime that I think even adults would balk at viewing. There’s plenty of anime out there that could appeal to kids, and if they are shown a wide variety of them, I feel it could really help them be someone more open to the views and opinions of others. It’s a lot like showing kids Western cartoons: there are multiple styles and genres of Western cartoons, and though not every kind will be right for everyone, having a wide variety can certainly broaden their views and foster their growth.

    I could be biased because I, personally, grew up watching anime (I was even born to anime music playing, and if you don’t believe me, you’ll have to take it up with my mom), and though repeated exposure has probably desensitized me to some things (like blood or intense action), it hasn’t harmed me any more than watching Western cartoons. The only real advice I might give is to pay attention to what the anime is about and how mature it is. Other than that, let them watch.

    But make sure to teach them to read so they can also enjoy the subbed version, not just the dubbed. Because, let’s face it, sometimes the dub is awful compared to the sub. And sometimes it’s the other way around.